Important Changes on Email Address

Your email address will be removed from our platform. Here is some information to help you navigate through this change and answer FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) including step by step instructions where applicable

Please note, all emails will be removed from our platform.  For questions or assistance, please call 1-877-976-0711.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my email address going away?

As we continue to grow and provide customers with outstanding internet service, we no longer have the capacity to support and maintain these email addresses.

Will this affect any of my other services through i3 Broadband?

No, this will not affect any other services you have with i3 Broadband. You’ll continue to receive the same great service as you have previously.

Will there be a charge to create a new email address?

There are many options to create a new email address. Below are a few options, but many other options can be found by doing an online search.

Google Email

Yahoo Email

Microsoft Email

Can I pay to keep my current email address?

We no longer have the capacity to support and maintain these email addresses.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

Please call one of our customer service reps at 1-877-976-0711 and we can help you.

What happens if I have provided this email address to my banking or for Autopay?

You will need to update your email address and notify your financial institution.

How do I create a new email address?

After selecting the company you want to use, they will walk you through all the steps to create the email address and begin using it.

How do I move my current data from one account to another?

You can export your account data, including email messages and attachments, contacts, calendar, tasks, and Briefcase folders. You can then save the data to your computer or other locations as a backup or import the information into another application. 

You can use the Zimbra Desktop Import/Export feature to export all the data for a selected account, including email messages and attachments, contacts, calendar, tasks, etc., or export specific data such as contact lists or calendars from one email account and then import the data to another account on Zimbra Desktop.  The account data is saved as a tar-gzipped (tgz) file so that it can be imported to another account on Desktop.  You can also use the Export/Import feature to save individual account data to your computer or other location as a backup. 

Note: When you export individual contact folders, they are saved as .csv files; individual calendar folders are saved as .ics files. The data is copied, not removed from your account. 

You export the file from the Preferences > Import/Export page. 

Export Options 

  • Export all account data including messages and attachments, calendar data and contact lists in all folders 
  • Use Advanced settings to export specific account data. 
  • Export Calendar 
  • Export Contacts 

Exporting all your account data 

  • Go to Preferences>Import/Export 
  • In Export, select the Type as Account 
  • Make sure Source displays All folders
  • Click Export
  • In the dialog that opens, select Save File and select where to save the file. The account data is saved as a tgz file. 

Use Advanced settings to export specific data. 

  • Go to Preferences>Import/Export
  • In Export, select the Type as Account
  • In the Source field,  select  the folder to export. All data under that folder is exported. 
  • If the Source is All folders, the data types field can be used to filter data by folder type. If the source is a specific folder, the data type does not matter 
  • To select data by date, enter a start and end date. Only data between these dates are exported. 
  • To search for specific information, enter a search query in the Search filter field.  Only data that matches that query is exported. 
  • In Other, check Only export content files, exclude meta data when the data being exported will  being imported into a non-Zimbra email account.  . 
  • Click Export
  • In the dialog that opens, select Save File and select where to save the file. 
  • Files are saves in the following format: 
  • Each message is exported as a .eml file 
  • Each contact is exported as a.vcf file 
  • Each Calendar item is exported as a.appt.meta file 

Exporting a Calendar 

  • Go to Preferences>Import/Export
  • In Export, select the Type as Calendar
  • In the Source field select the calendar to export. 
  • Click Export
  • In the dialog that opens, select Save File and select where to save the file. 
  • The calendar is saved as an .ics file that can be imported into any calendar application that supports .ics. 

Exporting Contact Lists 

  • Go to Preferences>Import/Export
  • In Export, select the Type as Contacts
  • Select the contact format to export the contact file as. 
  • Windows Live Contacts 
  • Outlook contacts 
  • Account contacts (this keeps the contact information in the same format is it is in) 
  • Thunderbird 
  • Outlook 2003 
  • Yahoo contacts 
  • In the Source select the contact list to export. 
  • Click Export
  • In the dialog that opens, select Save File and select where to save the file. 
  • The contact’s file is saved as an .csv file, with the contact information organized for the format you selected. 

Exporting Address Book Contact Lists 

  • Your contact lists are exported and saved in a comma-separated (.csv) text file format. To export your address book: 
  • Select Preferences and click Import / Export
  • In the Export section, select the type as Contacts. 
  • In the Source field, click to select the contacts list to be exported. 
  • Click Export
  • Select where to save the exported file and click OK. To import them into another contact manager program, see documentation for that program. 

Please note, all emails will be removed from our platform.  We are here to help if you need assistance.